PASSAGE (circulations #0011) , dEEP ANATOMY, Silo Park Auckland New Zealand 2017
CONTAINER ISLAND WALK interactive durational performance 13 hours a day for 3 days at MONA FOMA, (Museum of Old and New Art), Hobart 2017
COLLECTIVE RETURN, group durational performance, MONA (Museum of Old and New Art), Hobart Australia 2017
RETURN, solo durational performance, The Performance Arcade, Wellington New Zealand 2015
CARRIAGE, interactive solo durational performance, The Performance Arcade, Wellington New Zealand 2014
CONTAINER WALK, interactive solo durational performance, The Performance Arcade, Wellington New Zealand 2013
W-11 TRAM: AN ART OF JOURNEYS, temporary public art project over two seasons, Melbourne 2006-2007
LIVE HOUSE, temporary platform for creative community engagement, Carlton Housing Estate, Melbourne 2008-2010
SHARED LUNG, one day intervention, changing the Kolkata tram conductors uniform for one day, Kolkata India, part of Tramjatra: Imagining Melbourne & Kolkata by tramways, 2004
RIDE-ON-DINNER, A swarm of cyclists led on a slow urban meal adventure, 2006 – 2010
AUTO-YARD WALK, durational performance at artist-run space 1067Pacific People, Brooklyn New York 2013