passage (circulations #0011)
dEEP ANATOMY, Silo Park Auckland 25 Nov – 3 Dec 2017
12.30pm Saturday 25 Nov (with high tide 12.53pm)
1.15pm Sunday 26 Nov (with high tide 1.39pm)
with sea-salts from around planet earth
PVC plastics, sea salt, sound, paper, granite rock, daylight, human audience
passage envelops a human audience to encounter their enmeshment within the planetary. A composition of elements is installed into the concrete silo complex on Auckland’s harbour environment: PCV plastic in three life-cycle stages (first stage of use: tarpaulins, pipe, tapes; second stage as slow degrading waste: found ocean flotilla fragments; third stage of planetary unknowns: a kayak), regionally harvested sea salt, sound recorded underwater in Dean’s Blue Hole Bahamas, a photocopied search notice on recycled paper, a granite rock, daylight, and human audiences.
A journeying route is composed through six silos of vertical voluminous space, one after another, building a rhythmic patterned pulse to the experience of spatial expansion then contraction, akin to ourselves breathing – with all mammals – through the respiration cycle of filling and emptying lungs, as we traverse horizontal interconnection between all the artists’ works. This prelude gives way to experiencing a revelation of spatial verticality, ethereal daylight, shadow, geometric order and the sonic resonance of space. This dramaturgy echoes experiencing the architecture of places of worship, and recasts this abandoned industrial silo enterprise and our own presence in it against questions of human motivation, faith, knowledge systems and our human relations amongst ecologies of things.
Through two performances Douglas undertakes a post-human oriented enactment of porous enmeshment, as sea salts from around planet earth enter his body, drawing forth a planetary oceanic liquid from within, correlating with the rise of high tide in an emplaced moment in the ellipsis of circadian time. We are invited within an immanent condition of live forces in passage.
recordings from Dean’s Blue Hole on Long Island Bahama by Claire B. Paris-Limouzy, processed and mixed by Simon Maisch
Denise Batchelor, Kedron Parker
supported by
RMIT University School of Architecture & Design and University of Auckland