mobile desert performance labouritory, co-directed with Beth Weinstein, 17 June – 7 July
presented at Tuscon Museum of Art; Exploded View Tuscon Arizona; Stanford University PSi# 19 Performance Studies international
Ten crews open to encounters.
Four thousand miles from Tucson to Tucson.
Twenty days.
A Chevy van.
Sonoran, Great Basin and Mojave Deserts.
Knowns and unknowns.
> > > See the full archival exposition published online as ‘shuttling’ in JAR Journal of Artistic Research 9, 2015
Shuttle participants:
Grzegorz Brzozowski
Mick Douglas
Andrea Haenggi
Fiona Harrisson
Didier Morelli
James Oliver
Meredith Rogers
Sam Trubridge
Beth Weinstein
Shuttle Remote passengers:
Annalea Beattie
Alex von Bergen
Neal Haslem
John Vella
David Williams
Mick Douglas artworks developed during Shuttle:
7′ 36″ video installation
feedback walk video installation
Carrión, Luis, ‘Performance Explores Themes of Mobility and Environment’, AZ Illustrated: Arts, KUAT (PBS), 26 September 2013
Carrión, Luis, and Kelley, Andrea, (Shuttle featured in) Arizona Spotlight, KUAZ (PBS), 4 October 2013
Dorf, Alison, ‘A Work in Progress: SHUTTLE’, City Week: Pick of the Week, Tucson Weekly, 27 June 2013
Jahanmir, Yasmine, ‘“Shuttle” by Mick Douglas, Beth Weinstein, and James Oliver’, psi19performanceblog, 1 July 2013
Magrane, Eric, ‘Environmental Resonances, Performance, and an Unconventional Summer Road Trip’, University of Arizona, Institute of the Environment, 30 August 2013